Top 5 plugins actually useful for your Wordpress blog

Written by- Eva Vesper of Web Hosting Search. Eva is an editor at WHS, a web hosting review site. According to her it is a boring industry (I agree), so she spends her time blogging, twittering, and guest posting for other websites to make life more spicey.
The plugin directory on WordPress.org contains 3,356 plugins that have been downloaded over 15,000,000 times. For anybody remotely familiar with the WordPress CMS and the fact that it is widely editable, this merely means that way too many developers worldwide simply have not been able to help themselves – resulting in an ocean of plugins lacking both purpose and use. Lucky for you, we have gathered the five most essential plugins to add on your site.

1. All in One SEO Pack

Though Wordpress is optimized for the search engines, there is no easy way to add meta data to posts and pages in the cms. All in one SEO pack adds a field where Title, description and keywords can be placed. This should be the absolute first plugin you download and install, since search engine optimization is one of few things the Wordpress team overlooked when creating the software.

2. Akismet

It rarely takes more than a couple of weeks before spam-comments starts to drop in. Comments filled with scattered text and links to bad websites. When WordPress has little to protect your blog against this kind of spam, Akismet is a must. It automatically detects spam-comments, placing them in an archive for you to moderate.

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